Monthly Archives: March 2017

Planning a Traveling Vacation? Handle Your Debt First

caribbean vacation

It doesn’t take any money to plan on traveling somewhere for your next vacation. But it certainly does take money to actually do it. But, if you have some sort of debt hanging over your head, how much should you

Keep These Things In Mind When Planning A Big Vacation

Vacation Time

Everyone deserves a vacation once in awhile, and if you have the money to go on a grand adventure, why not do it? There are things to keep in mind when it comes to planning a vacation, especially if it’s

5 Tips For Traveling With a Credit Card

credit cards

Gone are the days of traveling with traveler’s checks.  Nowadays most people travel with a credit card because it is a convenient way of having money on hand regardless of the currency in wherever you are.  Running your credit card

3 Tips For Taking a Road Trip


There is something exciting and cinematic about the idea of throwing everything in a car and hitting the open road. A road trip can be incredibly exciting and a great way to leave your troubles behind in a way that

Top 5 Travel Beauty Must Haves For The Light Packer

Mud Mask

There are certain travelers that pack everything but the kitchen sink in their luggage.  They are the ones sweating at the airport trying to desperately stuff a high heel into their carry-on hoping that they can get under 1 pound